It could cost you, just a touch more to stay in a Huron hotel room in the future. The Huron City Commission approved a resolution Monday night authorizing the establishment of a Business Improvement District. Huron Chamber and Visitor’s Bureau Executive Director Peggy Woolridge told the Commission money could be raised through an occupation tax…
Seven other cities already have BID’s in place…
[audio:|titles=bid2]City Attorney Gerry Kaufmann explained the process needed to establish the district now that the resolution has been approved. That involves the creation of a Business Improvement District board, to which seven members were named to last night. Details of the District will then be laid out by a new ordinance, which will require a public hearing and two readings. The process of establishing the BID could take between 60 and 90 days to complete and tax money from the five hotels big enough to be a part of the district could come into the BID Board by the middle to end of August. Woolridge says the money generated from the hotel tax would be used to create and promote the city’s sports marketing program to get more tournaments to Huron and expand the promotion of popular events already in Huron.