Holocaust Survivor France J. Pruitt to Speak in Huron in Oct.

At the age of ten, France J. Pruitt and her Jewish-Belgian family were forced to flee to the South of France to escape the Nazis. After World War II, Pruitt immigrated to the United States and pursued her education. She is the author of two books: “Resilience and Compassion” and “Faith, Courage, and Survival in a Time of Trouble”.

In October, residents of Huron and the surrounding area will have the opportunity to hear Pruitt’s story firsthand. The 83-year-old Holocaust survivor will make a trip to Huron to share her  experiences.

Bonnie Biel, who is helping to organize the visit, says Mary Stots, of Wolsey, and her family met Pruitt during a vacation to Washington D.C.

Pruitt and her family managed to escape before the Nazis began detaining Jewish families in Belgium.

Biel says Pruitt will be Huron Oct.8th, 9th and 10th.

Allen Credit & Debt Counseling Agency is underwriting the cost of Pruitt’s travel. Biel says additional financial support is needed.

If you, your business or organization are interested in helping to sponsor this event, contact Bonnie at 354-3939.