Highmore Rancher Wins National Conservation Award

PIERRE, S.D. (AP) — A South Dakota rancher has won a national conservation award for the way he manages his land.  The National Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies has awarded Highmore rancher Jim Faulstich its annual National Private Lands Fish and Wildlife Stewardship Award.  State Game, Fish and Parks Secretary Jeff Vonk says Faulstich believes that stewardship of resources benefits the land, water, livestock, wildlife and people.  Vonk says native and restored grasslands and associated wetlands make up about 80 percent of Faulstich’s 5,300-acre ranch. He says the ranch provides good habitat to a wide variety of wildlife.  Vonk says Faulstich is board chairman for the South Dakota Grassland Coalition and a big reason the group is an effective voice for grassland conservation and grass-based agriculture