HHS Grad Wins Regional Broadcast Scholarship

A 2011 graduate of Huron High School has been honored for her potential for greatness as a broadcast journalist. Kortny Sterrett has received the 12-hundred 50-dollar Jack Shelley Scholarship from the Northwest Broadcast News Association Saturday during the Midwest Journalism Conference in Bloomington Minnesota. Outgoing president Matt Cullen says Sterrett beat out eight other applicants…


Sterrett says she is honored to accept the Shelley scholarship…


The Michelle Van Maanen Sterrett says she was so scared of is the Chair of the Contemporary Media and Journalism Department at the University of South Dakota….


Van Maanen predicts Sterrett will go on to do big things as a broadcast journalist…


Sterrett was attracting attention from news directors and hiring manages from stations across the Midwest before she even left the room…


One requirement of the Shelley Scholarship is an internship with a T-V or radio station, which Sterrett did with us at Performance Radio in 2011. We’ve included full comments on Kornty from Cullen and Van Mannen below: