Haeder Gives State Of The City Address.

City Commissioner Kerwin Haeder presented the Annual State of the City Address at the Huron Event Center Thursday. Haeder says the first and second penny sales tax revenue numbers are significantly up…


Third penny sales tax revenues are up 37-precent over the same seven year span, which amounts to about 310-thousand dollars. Huron’s unemployment remains low, at around three-percent. Property growth has broadened the tax base and has led to increased revenue while lowering owner-occupied mill levy rate. Haeder says that growth has led to some challenges…


Housing in Huron remains a challenge too, but Haeder says the city is taking steps to ease the crunch…


City Engineer Mike Wever and Police Chief Gary Will also spoke during the State of the City Address. Wever talked about city infrastructure projects and Central Park. Will touched on community programs in the department and Cody, the department’s drug detecting canine.