Beadle County Auditor Jill Hanson will be part of a Ballot Counting Task Force assembled by Secretary of State Jason Gant that will examine the issues that came up during the Primary election in Mitchell…
The other Auditors represent McCook, Aurora and Yankton Counties. Hanson believes the Task Force will only be used to find out what happened in Davison County…
[audio:|titles=ballottf2]Hanson says they may be able to pull useful information from the Task Force and the ballot count testing….
[audio:|titles=ballottf3]The Ballot Counting Task Force will first meet in Mitchell at 9 A-M to witness presentations from the Davison County Auditors office and E-S and S, the company that builds the ballot counter in question.. Ballots will be scanned two to three times per randomly selected precinct to demonstrat accuracy. The same ballots will be secured and re-tested at the Minnehaha County Auditors Office in Sioux Falls at 2PM. The ballots will then be re-sealed in the ballot box and returned to Mitchell. A programming zip disk for the June 5th Primary Election will be transported to Sioux Falls, also in a sealed ballot box.