Guilty By Association

Victims of identity theft are usually reserved as someone who’s name and Social Security number has been stolen. But for one Huron woman, the recent conviction of Shelley Freeman, is causing problems. Meet Shelene McDonald, who at one time shared the name, Shelly Freeman. McDonald says even friends, were confused about her innocence…


Being associated with a crime she never committed has been embarrassing for McDonald…


So how do Shelley Freeman and Shelene McDonald get crossed up?…


McDonald’s plight was not helped when a story on the convicted identity thief, inadvertently referred to Shelley Freeman as Shelene Freeman. McDonald is hopeful she can clear the air soon….


Adding to the confusion even more is the fact the convicted Shelley Freeman’s daughter, who also pleaded guilty to the same crimes with her two brothers and mom, is named Shaelynn. Freeman was sentenced last week to 18 month in prison. Her children are awaiting sentencing. McDonald meanwhile was a member of the Leadership Huron class that raised money for enhancements to the Beadle County Veterans Memorial. Performance Radio erroneously referred to Shelley Freeman as Shelene in a story that aired on July 5th, was picked up by the Associated Press and used by numerous television stations and newspapers. For that error, Performance Radio News apologizes to Shelene McDonald and her family for the mistake and sincerely regrets that incorrect information was reported.