Dealing with loss of a loved one and going through the grieving process does not affect everyone the same way.  There is no right way to go through those steps after a loss.  This past year has left people trying to deal with loss while in most cases not being able to comfort friends and family that are also suffering with grief.  One option will begin this evening in Huron.

Office administrator at Welter Funeral Home and social worker Jenny Sorben says in her work she has found there is a need and talks about how the support group developed.

The loss and grief support groups will meet for 10 weeks each Wednesday.

Any one interested is asked to RSVP by calling Sorben at Welter Funeral home, Sheri Bjorke at Kuhler Funeral home or Karen Decker at HRMC Hospice.  This will give them to get a count of people interested and and brief information about the participants loss.  Sorben talks about what the group will work on.

Sorben said the grieving process is not something that you should expect to get over.

The first of 10 nights of the Loss and Grief Support group is at 530 this afternoon at the HRMC Legacy Plaza auditorium.