Greater Huron Development Corporation Looking Forward To Good 2013 And Release Of Housing Assessment

The Greater Huron Development Corporation continued a series of semi-annual updates heard recently by the Huron City Commission. Executive Director Jim Borszich say last year was a good year locally especially in the ag sector.


Borszich says the national economy is starting to play a small role at home…


A needs assessment for housing in Huron is nearing completion and Borszich is hopeful the results of the assessment can be presented to the City Commission within the next two weeks…


20 students have been through a manufacturing skills training provided by Cornerstones Career Learning for things like welding. Borszich says that program is continuing and is free to participants through grants. Borszich also acknowledged Dakota Provisions for it’s joining of the IMAGE program to assist with maintaining a legal work force. On a side note approximately 85-percent of funding for Central Park has been expended, meaning nearly 84-percent of the project is completed. The Splash Central Water Park is still on track for an opening date in May