Governor Says Low Commodity Prices Make Drought Conditions Tougher on Producers

Governor Dennis Daugaard is expressing worries over the worsening drought conditions in the state.  He says that only 10 percent of the state has normal moisture in the ground

The Governor is pleased with the quick response from the U-S Department of Agriculture to open CRP acres for emergency grazing.  He says that, under the new rules for CRP, you still can’t have your cake and eat it too…..meaning you can’t harvest and sell the grass while still collecting a Federal payment.  But, you can bale and donate to distraught farmers and ranchers.   Governor Daugaard says the hot dry weather is forecast to stay around

He says what’s different with this year’s drought as compared to the one the state endured in 2012 is that commodity prices are much lower now

The Governor is hopeful timely rains will show up and crops recover.