Governor Meets With Rail Industry To Sort Rail Car Shortage


RCPEGovernor Dennis Daugaard met with Surface Transportation Board members and railroad company officials recently about the shortage of rail cars in South Dakota. Railroad shipment issues for ag commodities have been causing problems for producers and elevators. The Governor says rail companies have indicated they will release plans to fix the back log of rail cars soon.

Governor Dennis Daugaard-1 Met with Rail Officials Last Weeka12

Daugaard says everyone impacted by the rail car issue would like to see it resolved.

Governor Dennis Daugaard-2 Companies Want to Fix Issuea12

He cites a few different reasons for the rail car problem–from last year’s record grain numbers to a transfer of ownership of a rail-line from Canadian Pacific to Rapid City, Pierre and Eastern Railroad.

Governor Dennis Daugaard-3 Transfer from One Company to Another a Factora12

Officials want to solve the rail car shortage before this year’s harvest causes