Gose, Bischoff Take PR News Poll

The results are in after a week of voting in the latest Performance Radio News Poll on Facebook. This week we asked “What pair of school board candidates would you vote for in next week’s city/school board municipal election.”  An overwhelming 94-percent of voters selected a combination of Garrett Bischoff and Sherman Gose. The remaining four-percent picked a combo of Bischoff and Michelle Bennett. The results of the poll are unscientific and designed to gauge public perception on the April 9th election. The results of the poll will have no bearing on the election next week. Performance Radio News wants to thank everyone who took time to vote in the school board and city commission/mayoral poll last week. The April 9th election will feature four different votes, as Dick Freske and Gary Harrington run for a city commission slot. Kerwin Haeder and Paul Aylward battle for mayor, Bischoff, Gose and Bennett are vying for two open school board positions and voters will decide the fate of a 22 million dollar bond issue for renovations of the Huron School District’s elementary schools. Voting will take place next Tuesday from seven-A-M to seven-P-M at the Huron Arena. Election night coverage will begin around eight-P-M