Nationwide fairs and festivals have cancelled this year due to the Coronavirus. A major concern has been with the carnival midway. With visitors in close contact and children touching the same surfaces that makes sanitizing concerns seem overwhelming. In South Dakota Goldstar Amusements has combined with Crabtree and Armstrong Amusements to provide carnival rides at the Sioux Empire Fair and Brown County Summer Fest. They are now at the Central States fair in Rapid City and will be at the Sd State Fair in Huron beginning with the preview night September 2nd . With the concerns of surface transmission of the Coronavirus the goal was to find a way to sanitize effectively under the continual usage of a carnival.

Mike Featherston with Goldstar amuzements talks about what steps they took and a product that is new to them.

Featherston said they haven’t had any cases of Covid-19 transmission from the midway carnivals.

The product is made by RCP America out of Tampa Florida.  Steve Imhoff with RCP America talks about the testing for KOC 86,

Imhoff said the results of the product testing would be accepted by national health agencies.

He talks about their appeal to the carnival industry and how the sanitizing product works.

The product is being used at other venues indoors and out.

While working working to prevent more Covid-19 positive numbers, Imhoff talks about the response from KOC 86.

Goldstar amusements will use the product at the South Dakota State Fair beginning with preview night September 2nd.