Gibson, White Meet With Huron School Board

Two members of the District 22 legislative delegation met with the Huron School Board Monday afternoon in a leisure roundtable to learn about what’s happening in the school district and what they can take back to Pierre in preparation for the upcoming legislative session. Huron School Superintendent Terry Nebelsick presented to Democratic Representative Peggy Gibson and Republican Senator Jim White, numbers that show the expanding diversity in the Huron District is not impacting the education of lifelong Huron residents…


School funding was the other main topic broached at the roundtable…


The extra eight-tenths of a percent beyond what Governor Dennis Daugaard is proposing would bring education funding in line with what it was prior to the 10-percent cuts Daugaard imposed with his first budget in 2001. The group dined on a gourmet lunch prepared by Huron High School culinary students. In between courses, White, Gibson and school board members viewed the commons area to view the interaction of the diverse student body. Representative Dick Werner was unable to make the roundtable due to travel delays on the east coast.