Gibson, Werner Elected To District 22 House

Democratic State Representative Peggy Gibson will retain her seat in the South Dakota Legislature. Gibson was the top vote getter in Tuesday’s general election, collecting 5,295 nods from voters in Beadle and Kingsbury County Gibson ended the night with 30-point-56 percent of the vote. Gibson began the evening trailing Jay BK Slater of De Smet after votes from Kingsbury County came in first. Gibson is grateful votes gave her the opportunity to continue to serve….


Joining Gibson in Pierre in the House of Representatives will be Beadle County Commissioner Dick Werner, who began the night outside of a position to become elected…


Werner finished with 4342 votes and 25-point-06 percent of the vote. Democrat Dale Hargens had 4057 votes for 23-point-42 percent and Jay B-K Slater of De Smet, started strong but faded to forth with 3632 votes for 20-point-96 pecent of the vote.