Several democratic legislators are asking South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley for an opinion on funding cuts to the states cooperative extension service. Representative Frank Kloucek of Scotland says they want to know if the budget cuts violate federal law regarding land grant universities…
Kloucek says they had no specific information on what would be cut when funding to universities was cut by ten percent…
[audio:|titles=Frank Kloucek 516b]Kloucek says they are concerned the cuts put the state at odds with the Morrill Land Grant act of 1862 and the Smith-Lever Act of 1914. Kloucek says they have seen similar cuts in other states…
[audio:|titles=Frank Kloucek 516c]Joining Kloucek in the letter to Jackley are Representative Peggy Gibson of Huron, and Senator Jason Frerichs of Wilmot.