Gibson Elected to Lead Beadle County Democrats

Former State Rep. Peggy Gibson will lead the Beadle County Democratic Party for the next two years. She was elected at the local party election held on Monday evening.

Chuck Groth, who has served as chair for the past eight years, was elected as vice chair. Additional officers elected at the meeting included Bob Rademacher as treasurer and Joanne Groves and Jessica Hotchkiss, who will share secretary duties.

Dennis Olson and Joanne Groves will serve as Beadle County State Committeeman and Committeewoman. Darrell Raschke was selected to serve as District 22 Chairman. A vice chair will be named from Kingsbury County.

Several individuals were also named to serve as members of a Beadle County Democratic Party Advisory Committee. Committee members will include Jean Kouch, Mark Smith, Joan Edwards, Ryan Hotchkiss, Barbara Blaedorn and Eric Bliss. Joey Hotchkiss was named as a junior member of the committee. He has been a participant in the South Dakota Democratic Party’s Young Elected Leaders (YELL) Program.