GF&P Secretary Says “No Easy Fix” for Lakes Issue

A crowd of around 100 folks turned out Wednesday night at Lake Area Tech in Watertown to hear two hours of discussion on a water dispute that’s cut off fishing and boating access to some 25 lakes in South Dakota.

The impacted lakes are mainly in the northeast corner. They’re lakes that have grown over time, and moved onto private land.

The legislature has been tasked with trying to come up with a solution that would allow anglers and others to access those waters, but until they do, they’re off-limits to fishing.

Game, Fish and Parks Secretary Kelly Hepler was in attendance at last night’s meeting

Tomorrow is when a special committee meets again. That committee is trying to come up with a bill that would be voted on in a special legislative session to re-open the lakes.

Hepler says there’s no easy, quick fix here

In the meantime, business owners who rely on fishing for a majority of their business are hurting….

June 12th has been mentioned as a possible date for a special session.