GFP Commission Briefed on Non-Meandered Waters Legislation

The Game Fish and Parks Commission Thursday was briefed on the status of legislation moving through the legislature dealing with the lake access issues on non-meandered waters.  At the first of a two-day meeting in Pierre, Game Fish and Parks Special Projects Coordinator Ken Robling updated commission members regarding the number of acres currently closed to the public.

He says water access discussions have been ongoing with landowners, but that most are waiting to see the outcome of legislation still pending in the legislature before any access agreements are finalized.

Game, Fish and Parks Secretary Kelly Hepler says this has been a long and emotional process with lots of passion on both sides.  He says removing the sunset clause was important, but by no means has the discussion ended. He was critical of some recent discussions surfacing on social media.

Hepler said they’re making good progress with landowners and that he would be the first to revisit the issue if the new legislation isn’t working.