Getting Farmers Ready To Sign Up For New Farm Bill

fieldFarmers will soon be signing up for the new farm bill and the complexity of the programs will require some education. Iowa State University Farm Management Specialist Steven Johnson says the process starts with farmers updating their base acres and yield, which must be done by February 27. He says farmers will either retain or reallocate base acres on their farm.


He says farmers can update to a new PLC yield using production records for the 2008 to 2012 growing seasons or they can retain the old countercyclical yield.


From there. Johnson says farmers will have until March 31 to make an ARC or PLC election for their farm for the next five years.


The actual program enrollment will begin mid-April and run through the summer months. Johnson will be providing information on the farm program and crop insurance at the Growing On Meetings December 2-9 at various locations throughout South Dakota.