Former Beadle County Janitor Pleads Not Guilty To Sex Crimes

A former Beadle County janitor indicted last September on two counts of sexual contact with a child under the age of 16, pleaded not guilty to those charges this week A trial for Fred Sylaart is set for March 6th in Beadle County. Sylaart’s son Jordan is charge with two counts of first degree rape in the case. Prosecutors are waiting on an evaluation of the younger Sylaart to determine if he should be charged in juvenile or adult court. He is currently 18, but was 17 years old at the time, the charges were brought forward. The alleged victims, two females under the age of 12, attended a home day-care operated at the time by Fred Sylaart’s wife. That day-care is where court documents say the alleged sexual assaults took place Both are out of jail on bond. Former Brown County States Attorney Kimberly Dorsett is acting as special prosecutor in the case due to a conflict of interest, with Fred Sylaart being a former county employee. Sylaart was placed on administrative leave by Beadle County in mid-July last year and was terminated in September of 2012 shortly after being indicted by a Beadle County Grand Jury.