Farm Bureau Against Latest EPA Rules

207th SW WolseySenate Ag Committee Republicans including South Dakota’s John Thune are asking EPA to withdraw its so called interpretive rule that was released with the Waters of the U.S. proposal. The Senators say the interpretive rule could fundamentally change the relationship between farmers and the federal government. South Dakota Farm Bureau President Scott Vanderwal says his group is opposed to both the interpretive rule and proposed waters of the U.S. rule.


The interpretive rule outlines only 56 activities out of more than 160 normal farming conservation practices that are exempt from the rule. Vanderwal says it also puts USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service in the role of being an enforcer which they’re not intended to do.


Other Midwest Farm Senators signing onto the letter to EPA and USDA are Mike Johanns of Nebraska, Chuck Grassley of Iowa, John Hoeven of North Dakota., and Pat Roberts of Kansas.