Fake Barking Dog Letters Arriving At Huron Homes

Huron police are asking residents to be on the look out for a fraudulent document being mailed to city residents. Sergeant Brandon Nietzert says some residents have received letters stating they are in violation of Huron’s barking dog ordinance. The letter is falsely identified as coming from the Beadle County Municipal Enforcement Supervisor’s Office. Authorities says there is no such thing as a Beadle County Municipal Enforcement Supervisor and that many facts contained in the letter are incorrect. Huron does, under some circumstances send out letters to inform residents of a complaint regarding a barking dog or other nuisance violations. Official city letters are written by a city official and are identified by City of Huron official letterhead. Written notices from the City of Huron will include the identity of the city official, city office and contact information. Police Chief Gary Will, Jr says they only have received on letter which the police department got from the Beadle County States Attorney’s Office. Will says the letters don’t ask for payment, but do state that if further complaints are made it will result in a fee and criminal prosecution. That statement makes sending the letters a Class One misdemeanor. If you have gotten a written notice from the City of Huron and have concerns regarding it’s authenticity you can contact Code Enforcement Officer Jack Nietzert at 353-85-12. If you believe you have gotten one of the false letters or have information in regards to the case, you asked to contact Detective Jamie Gogolin at the Huron Police Department at 353-85-50.