Fajardo Trial Handed To Jury

The fate of a Sioux Falls man charged with raping three girls in the Huron bar he owned, is now in the hands of 12 Beadle County residents. Jurors are deciding the case on eight charges including one count of First Degree Rape, three counts of Third Degree Rape, two counts of Forth Degree Rape and a single count of sexual contact with a person incapable of consent. During closing arguments, Beadle County States Attorney Mike Moore told jurors, the words of the girls Fajardo is accused of raping is all prosecutors had to go on saying quote, “When a kid reports a sexual assault, that’s all we have”. Moore showed the jurors the charges, which of girls the charge related too and what evidence matched each charge.  He agreed that the parents of the girls were responsible for poor supervision and the girls made poor decisions but it was Fajardo who made criminal decisions in sexually assaulting the girls. Moore said expert witnesses presented provided reasons for no physical signs that the girls were raped. In her close, Carmen Means said all the prosecution proved was that investigators found a green mask and a condom wrapper. She said prosecutors could have, but didn’t test the wrapper or an air mattress and comforter, to prove Fajardo had contact with the items. She also continued to stress to jurors the inconsistencies with in the alleged victims stories. One count was dismissed earlier in the day by Judge Jon Erickson. Fajardo was originally charged with 15 counts, but prosecutors are proceeding with only eight of the charges. The other charges have been dropped.