Fajardo: 100 Years For Rape At Bar

He called it quote ” one of the worst rape cases he’d seen” in 35 years as a judge. Third Circuit Judge Jon Erickson sentenced former bar owner Werner Fajardo to 100 years of prison time for the rape of three young girls at the former El Curevo Bar in Huron. Fajardo’s attorney Carmen Means said her client continues to maintain his innocence in the case. She says the pre-sentence report is filled with letters of support for Fajardo and that there are people in the community who support the 35-year-old. Means also said Fajardo has been compliant during his 345 day stay in the Beadle County Jail. Beadle County Deputy States Attorney Jeff Banks asked Erickson to disregard the letters saying those who authored the notes have no respect for the Jury’s verdict. Banks went on to say Fajardo took advantage of the girls and that if the case hadn’t come to light, he would likely have offended again.. Erickson said Fajardo was uncooperative with the psycho-sexual evaluation that he was required to be a part of, leaving 24 questions unanswered. The evaluation itself noted that Fajardo has a high likelyhood to offend again.  Erickson noted the alcohol ingested by the girls alone, could have been enough to be fatal.  As Erickson announced a 75 year prison sentence on the first degree rape charge, one of the victim’s family members shouted a cheer and briefly clapped. Fajardo was also sentenced to 25 years each on three third degree rape charges, one of those to run consecutively to the 75 year charge. He got 15 years each on two counts of fourth degree rape and 10 years for sexual contact with a person incapable of consent. He was given 345 days but credit for time served on an alcohol violation charge. The remaining counts against Fajardo in total 90 years to be served concurrently to the 100 years. Upon exiting the courthouse, Fajardo supposedly smiled at one of the victims who was present. That caused the victim to begin crying.  As she ran from the Courthouse she screamed “Why the (expletive) did he smile at me?” A guardian to the said to the girl. “It’s why I wanted you to leave before he came out”