Executive Session In Recess To Resume Tonight

The Huron City Commission is in recess at this hour as they continue to hold an executive session. The special meeting of the City Commission began at 5:30 PM last night. Commissioners met with City Attorney Gerry Kaufman until 9:15 PM at which time the meeting was recessed until 7 PM tonight. During the three hours and 45 minutes in which they met last night, Huron Police Chief Gary Will Jr. and police Captain Dan Marroteck were seen entering and exiting the City Commission room separately. Marroteck’s wife Ronnette expressed an interest in telling her husbands story to Performance Radio News, however the Marroteck’s left the Huron Municipal Building without comment. The Marroteck’s have consulted with attorney Kent Shelton who advised the Marroteck’s to withhold comment until the proceeding have concluded.  The Marrotecks have not hired any legal assistance.   The City of Huron is unable to comment on the executive session under state laws regarding personnel matters. Performance Radio News will continue to follow this story and have the latest as it’s available