Ethanol Producers Disappointed With EPA Ethanol Volumes

Low gasOfficials with ethanol producer POET, based in Sioux Falls, are disappointed with EPA’s volume requirements under the Renewable Fuels Standard. The agency released volumes for ethanol for 2014 through 2016 that were below the statutory requirements in the law. The 2015 ethanol volume is proposed at 13.4 billion gallons and 2016 is at 14 billion gallons, which are both under the 15 billion gallon statute. POET spokesman Matt Merritt says the RFS proposal is a real setback for the industry.

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Merritt says POET officials are more concerned with the corn based ethanol pull back than with cellulosic, which he thinks EPA will boost going forward.

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Public comment is being taken until June 27 on EPA’s volume proposal under the Renewable Fuel Standard. Merritt encourages farmers and others to submit comments on the plan, which will be finalized November 30.