Escaped Juveniles Caught

Two juvenile males who attacked a Beadle County Jailer and escaped last night are back where they came from. Beadle County Sheriff Doug Solem says 16-year-old Eduardo Valdez and 17-year-old Matthew Rainbow were detained Wednesday morning following a tip to law enforcement….


Solem says Valdez and Rainbow over-powered a female jailer about 9:30 last night


Solem says the jailer was taken to the emergency room at Huron Regional Medical Center but is mostly uninjured. He says the jailer may be sore from the attack. A number of charges are likely from the incident but Solem says no firm charges have been filed…


Beadle County States Attorney Mike Moore did confirm late Wednesday afternoon that Valdez and Rainbow will be charged as adults with aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer, with additional pending charges.  Solem says what happened may lead to some changes in the handling of juvenile offenders at the Regional Corrections Center in Huron…


One witness reported seeing officers swarm the home with patrol rifles drawn. The two were on the loose for approximately 13 hours. The name of the person who, housed the escapees was not released.