Erickson Pleads Not Guilty To Meth Charges

court genericA Huron man has pleaded not guilty to a number of charges relating to the discover of a methamphetamine lab in a home near a school. Appearing through the I-TV network from the State Penitentiary in Sioux Falls, 31-year-old Neil Erickson made not guilty pleas to charges of possession of a controlled substance, manufacturing a controlled substance, keeping a place for the use or sale of a controlled substance, manufacturing of a controlled substance with in a drug-free zone, unauthorized ingestion of a controlled drug or substance and having a child present where methamphetamine are used, distributed or manufactured. A 14-month infant was taken from the home when police came across the meth lab after going to the home on an unrelated matter. Erickson was making his appearance on from the state pen after being sent back on a parole violation. Erickson indicated a desire to take part in Beadle County’s drug court. Judge Jon Erickson said the drug court is not in place but would consider that move going forward. Placement in a drug court would be solely up to prosecutors. A tentatively trial date for Erickson on the charges is set for June 10th.