Engineering Firm Recommends Dredging of Lake Mitchell

An Omaha engineering firm which has been studying the algae problem at Lake Mitchell says dredging the lake is recommended.  The Mitchell City Council last night heard a presentation from FYRA Engineering.  The lake has been plagued by algae problems for years, resulting in multiple shutdowns of recreation areas over the past few summers.  Two types of dredging were discussed last night.  Both would remove about one million dry cubic yards of soft sediment from the lake.  Mike Sotek of FYRA explained the first, mechanical dredging, which would cost about $10.6 million.

Sotek says the second kind of dredging, hydraulic, would cost about $13.4 million.

Greg Kipp of Rapid City-based Verax Environmental Consulting, says the lake has a natural element which will help long-term management and also said that adding alum is not a viable solution.

Sotek said the dredging could be completed within six months.  No action was taken by the council last night.