Emerald Ash Borer Found in South Dakota

The dreaded Emerald Ash Borer has been discovered in Sioux Falls, the first confirmed infestation in South Dakota.

The voracious bug has killed tens of millions of ash trees in at least 32 states.

An emergency quarantine has been established for all of Minnehaha County, in areas north of Highway 18 in Lincoln County, and east of Highway 19 in Turner County. The quarantine restricts the movement of ash materials of any kind without the authorization of the State Department of Agriculture.

The regulated materials include ash nursery stock, ash logs, lumber, wood chips or mulch, and even pallets made of ash. Movement of firewood from ANY hardwood species, whether intended for commercial or private use, is also restricted within the quarantine area.

Ash trees within the quarantine area should not be pruned or removed unless absolutely necessary until after Labor Day to prevent spread of insect.