Drought Monitor Shows Improvement in SD

This week’s US Drought Monitor shows less area in South Dakota is classified as being in one of the drought categories.

Data shows about 3.5 percent of the land qualifies as being extremely dry, down from just over 5.5 percent last week. Extreme drought means there has been major crop and pasture losses and widespread water shortages or restrictions. The amount of South Dakota classified as being at least in the severe drought stage fell from around 26.5 last week to almost 17 this week. Severe drought means crop or pasture losses are likely, water shortages are common and water restrictions have been imposed.

The moderate drought level is up slightly to around 27 percent from about 25.5 last week, while the abnormally dry category went from about 16.5 percent last week to just shy of 25 percent this week. Almost 28 percent of South Dakota–the majority being in the eastern part of the state– registers no level of drought, up from just over 25 percent last week.