District 22 Delegation Not Fans Of Stair-Step Proposal For Teacher Pay

2016 CoffeeThe future of expanding teacher pay is looming over the South Dakota State Capitol today. A vote is expected this afternoon on House Bill 1182, which would implement at half-cent sales tax, a portion of which, about 60 million dollars would be targeted for increasing teacher pay. The measure failed to be approved by the House on Thursday by one vote and reconsideration was moved to this afternoon. Republican Representative Dick Werner says his party is somewhat spilt on the teacher pay issue…


Werner says the stair step approach proposed by Representative Brian Gosch would require making cuts in some state departments. Democratic Representative Peggy Gibson is also not a fan of the Gosch proposal…


Republican Senator Jim White doesn’t think teachers would support taking salary away from other state employees to increase their pay…


The District 22 legislative delegation were a part of the second Coffee with the Legislators forum Saturday at the Huron Municpal Building.