The Governmental Affairs Committee of the Huron Chamber & Visitor Bureau will be hosting a forum for our District 22 House of Representative candidate. The Forum will be Saturday, September 19th, 9:00 A.M. at the Huron Fine Arts Center. Please note the new location that will offer plenty of space for social distancing.

Our four candidates are Roger Chase, John McEnelly, Lynn Schneider and Mark Smith. They will each be given 3 minutes for an opening statement and then will be opened to public for questions. If you would like to submit your questions in advance, please e-mail them to Laurie Shelton at [email protected]. The forum will last approximately 1 hour and allow the candidates 2 minutes each for closing remarks.

In order to accommodate those that are not able to make it in person, the forum will be recorded via FaceBook Live and then submitted to Channel 6.

The public is invited to attend and are encourage to wear a masks. Sanitizer, masks and gloves, will be provided, if desired. The auditorium is large enough to accommodate up to 100 people according to the City of Huron Covid ordinance requirements.

Please join the candidates on Saturday, September 19th at 9:00 am at the Huron Fine Arts Center, 939 Ohio Ave SW.

If you should have any questions or concerns, please call the Chamber office at 352-0000, or to submit your questions for the candidates email [email protected]