District 20 House Candidates Face Off In Mitchell This Week

Differences of opinion on several ballot measures between the four candidates for South Dakota House in District 20 were clear during Tuesday night’s forum in Mitchell.   Regarding Referred Law 16, known as House Bill 1234, the Governor’s education plan, differences fell along party lines. Republican Representative Tona Rozum says it’s a good bill….


Democrat James Schorzman disagreed….


 Democrat Dave Mitchell also opposes the measure….


 Republican Representative Lance Carson says the plan allows plenty of local control….


 The candidates also disagreed along party lines regarding Referred Law 14, the large project development fund, yet had mixed feeling on Initiated Measure 15 that raises the state sales tax by a penny to fund K-12 education and Medicaid.  District 20. as a result of re-districting after the 2010 Census now includes Jerauld County, which formerly was in District 22