Discussion Held On City's Conduct Of Variance Request

City of HuronDid the Huron City Commission act in an illegal fashion by moving consideration of a variance request to Beadle County? It’s a concern brought up by a lawyer representing a party in a variance request filed by Stacy Goergen. Lawyer Carl Haberstick represents landowner Scott Rink and says the city has set a precedence with the move…


The issue came up three weeks ago when discussion on Goergen variance was deferred when City Commissioners Doug Kludt and Bryan Smith asked to be recused from consideration for conflict of interest reasons. That left the Board of Adjustment, whose members are the Huron City Commission, short of the number of votes needed for consideration of the request. Haberstick says after reviewing state law says the city should appoint an independent Board of Adjustment…


Huron City Attorney Jeff Banks disagrees with Haberstick’s suggestion to add members of the public to a Board of Adjustments…


Banks also believes the City didn’t not act illegally on the matter….


The City of Huron approved an intergovernmental agreement last week to allow the Beadle County Board of Adjustments to consider the variance on a one time only basis. No decision on moving forward on the issue was made Monday night.