Deputy States Attorney Jeff Banks Approved By City Commission For City Attorney

After spending approximately 90 minutes in executive session Monday, the City of Huron has a full time City Attorney. Huron Mayor Paul Aylward…


Banks is currently a Deputy States Attorney for Beadle County. In March of 2012 the City of Huron entered into an intergovernmental agreement with Beadle County and the States Attorney’s office to allow Banks to act as an Assistant City Attorney to handle magistrate court issues, so then City Attorney Gerry Kaufman who was in the role part-time, could put more focus and effort into legal issues, including litigation, affecting the city. Banks will get 32 hours of vacation starting in November of this year and get four years of previous service for vacation accrual. Banks will have one-thousand 40 hour probationary period. The offer is contingent on Banks passing of a city phyicial and completion of new hire paperwork.