Democrats Look To Go After New Voters Following Primary


voteWhile voter registration numbers are down for both major political parties in South Dakota, democrats have seen the greatest losses.  In the May first report from the Secretary of State, there were just under two hundred thirty six thousand registered republicans, and just over one hundred seventy five thousand registered democrats.  Zach Crago, Executive Director of the South Dakota Democratic Party says some of that is due to clean up of the voter rolls…

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Democrats hit a high point in July of 2009 with over two hundred six thousand registered.  Crago says they think changes in society will help them attract more registered voters…

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Republicans have also seen registrations dip since their high of two hundred forty five thousand in June of 2013.  Crago says they will use their experience in petition issue to mount a voter registration drive…

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Both republicans and democrats go to the polls tomorrow  for their respective primary elections. Independent voters may also vote in the democratic primary.