Delivery Van Hits Moose North Of Miller Last Week

imagesAn unusual vehicle accident took place last week in Hand County. The collision between a delivery van and a cow moose was reported last Wednesday, October eighth. South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks Department Conservation Officer Cory Flor says the accident occurred early that morning two miles north of the Miller Golf Course on Highway 45 as a delivery van traveled north…

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Flor says it’s believed this animal is the same female moose that’s been in the Hand County area in the past four to five years….

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Flor says there have only been a few other moose sightings in the past few years-besides the cow moose that was struck by the vehicle last week.  The animals don’t usually stay too long, Flor says, with the exception of the moose involved in the accident-which he says seemed to like the area around Lake Louise.  Flor says the female moose had two tags-one in each ear-and an investigation is underway to determine where the tags originated.

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The accident left damage to the front right corner of the van. The moose was taken to a local processor and plans are to donate its meat to an organization that feeds the hungry.  Flor says the accident is a first-of-its-kind for him; having never seen anything like it during his 15 years career.