Daylight Savings Time Ends This Weekend, Remember to Check Smoke Alarms

Before you enjoy that extra hour of sleep this Sunday, Nov. 4, make sure you also check your smoke alarms.

 Daylight Savings Time ends at 2 a.m. Sunday local time. That means pushing clocks back one hour before going to bed Saturday night.

 South Dakota Fire Marshal Paul Merriman suggests when resetting clocks, people should also take time to switch batteries in their smoke alarms. Merriman says this is a good time to make sure the smoke alarms are in working order.

 “The National Fire Protection Association says nearly two-thirds of home fire deaths occur in properties without working smoke alarms,” says Fire Marshal Merriman. “We have seen cases in South Dakota where people have died in house fires where there were no working smoke alarms. It is a fact that working smoke alarms save lives.”

 Other safety tips involving smoke alarms include:

 • Install smoke alarms in every bedroom, outside each separate sleeping area and on every level of the home, including the basement.

 • Test alarms at least monthly by pressing the test button.

 • Replace all smoke alarms when they are 10 years old. Do it sooner if the alarms don’t respond properly.

  The State Fire Marshal’s Office is part of the South Dakota Department of Public Safety.


(SD Department of Public Safety)