The Huron Chamber and visitors Bureau held a Luncheon Thursday with the featured speaker, David Owen with the South Dakota chamber of commerce and Industry.  The stop is one of 10 post legislative presentations throughout the state many Via video conference.  Owen stays busy during the session as the chief lobbyist for the SD Chamber membership.  Owen talks about what was covered at the luncheon.

Owen said that each legislative session is similar with the workload presented and the attention of a few bills.

A February 3rd MONEYWISE.COM article and list of The Worst City to call home in every State is catching the attention locally on Facebook posts.  In the article Huron is placed as the worst city to call home in South Dakota.  Owen response to the tabloids article does not put a lot of credibility into those type of stories.

David Owen’s legislative wrap for 2021 was sponsored by the Governmental affairs committee of the Huron Chamber and visitors bureau.