Daugaard Sworn In

DSCF7443With a promise to keep being a good steward of the state, Governor Dennis Daugaard took the oath of office for a second time Saturday.


The Republican Governor and the other seven constitutional officers took the oath in the Capitol Rotunda as part of the Inaugural celebration. Daugaard, who was re-elected in November by the largest margin in history, says Saturday’s Inaugural was more gratifying for him because he had been re-elected based on not potential, but performance.


During his 15-minute Inaugural speech, Daugard pointed to examples in the last four years where the state has benefited from the use of South Dakota values. Daugaard says the state has been frugal with its money, responsible with its resources and managed its affairs wisely.  Daugaard promised to apply the same traits in his next term.


The Governor became emotional when talking about his four grandchildren. All four have been born in his first term. The latest, Greta Ann, was born Monday.  Daugaard says he hopes that when they think of him of Governor, they will think of him as being one who was honest, who worked hard and did his best.


Speaking with reporters after the speech, Daugaard says he has enjoyed this Inaugural more. The Governor says when he took office in 2011, he was more concerned about taking office, selecting Cabinet officials and preparing his administration. Daugaard says while still aware that there is much he does not know, he is more comfortable as Governor now.