Daugaard Stumps Roads Proposal In Huron Friday

DaugaardGovernor Dennis Daugaard is traveling South Dakota promoting his proposal to address the condition of roads and bridges across the state. In a lunch hour appearance in Huron Friday, Daugaard says South Dakota ranks high in a nine-state region for keeping engineering and maintenance costs low, but the usefulness of low costs is not enough…


The state fuel tax was increased to 22-cents per gallon in 1999. Daugaard says if the fuel taxed was indexed, it would be up to 45-cents per gallon today. The Governor says he’s the last person that wants to raise taxes, but is proposing minor increases….


Daugaard is also proposing changes on the local level…


Nearly 41 millions dollars could be raised for the state highway fund, part of which would go to the proposed bridge fund. Counties, townships and municipalities would get around 10 million dollars per year.