Daugaard Happy With Supreme Count Ruling On School Funding

The South Dakota Supreme Court ruled yesterday that the state funding system for public schools is constitutional.  A group of schools and parents had sued, claiming that the state aid formula was not fair. A circuit judge ruled otherwise, and the Supreme Court agreed.  Governor Dennis Daugaard said it was a logical ruling…

[audio:http://prprt.itmwpb.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/688/2011/09/Dennis-Daugaard-902a.mp3|titles=Dennis Daugaard 902a]

Daugaard says despite this years budget cut, funding for schools has risen rapidly over prior years…

[audio:http://prprt.itmwpb.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/688/2011/09/Dennis-Daugaard-902b.mp3|titles=Dennis Daugaard 902b]

Daugaard says school funding has to be equal, with adequate levels determined by the legislature…

[audio:http://prprt.itmwpb.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/688/2011/09/Dennis-Daugaard-902c.mp3|titles=Dennis Daugaard 902c]

(courtesy WNAX Yankton)