Daugaard Gives Budget Address

DaugaardSouth Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard is proposing increased spending bolstered by better-than-expected revenues.   The Republican governor outlined the $4.8 billion budget during a speech this afternoon in Pierre.  The proposal adds more than $80 million in new state spending next budget year. That includes increases to higher education, Medicaid providers and state workers, among other areas. Daugaard says the economy has improved over the past few years…

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Daugaard says improving revenues and reduced spending have given the state a rare opportunity…

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The Governor touched on the Blue Ribbon Report on Education without getting into specifics…

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Daugaard says he has heard the call for the task force to make a bold statement…

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Most of the $60 million in one-time spending would pay off debt to help public higher education institutions freeze tuition.