The four-night automotive extravaganza known as the WISSOTA 100 is off and running through Saturday. The event at Dakota State Fair Speedway is bringing hundreds of drivers and five different divisions of race cars to Huron. This year, one very special race car will at the speedway…
Huron School Resource Officer and avid race fan himself Cory Borg says Hiller is a former race car driver from Missouri who was invited to Huron last year by Dakota State Fair Speedway promoter Orville Chenowith…
[audio:|titles=DAREracecar2]A ten-dollar donation to the Huron DARE program will get you seat time with Hiller on the streets of Huron and a chance for more…
[audio:|titles=DAREracecar3]The DARE race car will be at the East End of the Grandstand in the afternoons and evenings today through Saturday. In addition to the ride and chance to win a seat in the pace car, T-shirts, water bottles and other items will be given away for donations greater than 10 dollars to the Huron DARE program.