Dakota Provisions Turkey Processing plant in Huron has taken a pro-active approach with the Corona Virus  concerns worldwide.  Three employees who returned from visits abroad are being voluntarily quarantined since their return to the Huron area.  They have not tested positive for the virus.  One who has been in the United States for 5 years going to college returned on the first of March from his only trip back to Korea in that time.  He will be tested for the virus Monday following the two week period in which the virus would incubate.  The other two are from Burma, a country that has not had any confirmed cases, they will be tested for the virus on Wednesday March 18th following their two week quarantine.  Mark “smokey” Hueston HR Director with Dakota Provisions said they asked the three to stay home when they returned.

Unrelated to the three being quarantined the plant has stepped up its sanitizing throughout the entire facility for the past several weeks until more about the Corona Virus is known.

The tests will be sent to the South Dakota State Health lab in Pierre when the three are checked next week.