Dakota Energy Lineman Return From Sandy Assistance

Two Dakota Energy linemen who, along with four members of Sioux Valley Electric of Colmen, are back in South Dakota after spending time on Long Island, New York helping power companies restore electricity in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. Robert Feldhaus of Huron and Brandon Moore of Miller returned Friday evening after spending 14 days, working 16 hour shifts to get the juice flowing. Dakota Energy C-E-O Ken Gates says Feldhaus and Moore encountered devestation…


Gates says meeting the people they were helping was the high point for the two linemen…


Gates says he’s proud to know his workers volunteered to help…


Not all of the linemen were well received. Some crews were pelted with eggs, because of frustrations with the slow progress being made.. Gates says the damage was so widespread, it is going to take time get everyone back in service, regardless of the number of crews being used.