Dakota Access Opponents Worry PUC Not Asking Enough Of Pipeline Company

Dakota Access LLCThe South Dakota Public Utilities Commission started hearings last week on the Dakota Access Pipeline project. Those hearings are scheduled to wrap up this week. A decision on the permit request is due by mid-December. Pipeline Opponent Peggy Hoogestraat, a Minnehaha County Landowner says one of her worries is that the P-U-C is not requiring an Environmental Impact Statement on the project.

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Hoogestraat says another major worry of pipeline opponents is Energy Transfer Partners using eminent domain to acquire land for their project.

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Hoogestraat says most of the jobs coming from the Dakota Access Pipeline will go to workers in other states.

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Hoogestraat expects the P-U-C to make a decision on the permit sometime between the end of the hearings and December 15.