Court System To Add I-TV To 11 Courthouses

The Sanborn and Miner County courthouses are two of 11 in South Dakota that will be getting Interactive Television system units via the Dakota Digital Network. South Dakota Supreme Court Chief Justice David Gibertson started a pilot program with I-TV shortly after becoming Chief Justice in 2001…


Giblertson says six I-TV units were added to courthouses per year…


The Chief Justice, during his State of the Judiciary address to a joint session of the South Dakota Legislature, told lawmakers that budget cuts put the program to add courthouses to the system on hold…


Courthouses in Deuel, Corson, Dewey, Zeibach, Campbell, Edmunds, McPherson, Mellette and Lyman Counties will all be getting I-TV units to which Gilbertson joked was a Blizzard proof system.